Monday, August 1, 2016

How is a Teacher Like an Olympic Athlete?

The Summer Olympics is my all-time favorite event ever!  Starting Saturday, I will be glued to the TV watching swimming, diving, and gymnastics!  Go USA!

So, in honor of the Summer Games and the impending school year...

1.  Teachers are experts in their area.
Just like an Olympic gymnast knows her routine, teachers are experts of their craft.  They know their standards like the back of their hand.  They can teach any topic in their content area off the cuff.  And they know everything about each and every one of their students.

2.  They are competitive.  To be a teacher is to be a competitor.  They compete to win:
* The most cans collected in the canned food drive
* The most ribbons at field day
* The best costume on Dress Like a Book Character Day
* The quietest class in the hallway
* The best holiday door design
* The most Box Tops tops collected
* The cutest bulletin boards

This list could go on and on...

3.  They are fearless!
Teachers willingly walk into their classrooms knowing they will be faced with bad attitudes, snotty noses, tattle telling, parents, talking back, and incredibly high expectations.  And they continue to come back year after year.

4.  They are held to extremely high standards.
Despite limited resources, a lack of parental and administrative support, students in poverty, etc., teachers are expected to achieve standards that often seem completely unreasonable.

5.  They are passionate!
Teachers seriously love what they do and the students they serve.  They wouldn't do it if they didn't.

6.  They make no money.
Sure, Olympic athletes get bonuses for winning medals.  And big time athletes get some pretty sweet endorsement deals.  But, the vast majority of Olympic athletes make nothing.  They do what they do out of sheer passion, just like teachers.

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