
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's a celebration!

Today is DAY 2 of our follower celebration!  If you missed yesterday, here's the run down!  I have had the good fortune of collaborating with these wonderful ladies for the last few months. We have all hit a big milestone and would like to give back to the people who made it all happen:  

Our followers!

This week, we have loads of discounts and giveaways planned!  All you have to do is follow us to know what the deal is going to be and enter to win the big prizes like...

* $100 Grand Prize ($50 in TpT gift certificates + $10 to each of our stores!)
* 3 $25 TpT Gift Certificates
(Keep on reading to find out how to enter)

Today is $2 Tuesday!  We have chosen some of our favorite products to showcase for just $2!  Click on the links below to find some amazing deals!

Brittany Washburn - She is the technology guru and has some pretty amazing Pinterest boards!

Meredith Anderson - This girl is brilliant and has some great engineering and math ideas!

Cupcakes & Curriculum - She has the cutest stuff!  I am sure her kiddos LOVE her class!

Teacher Gems - This girl has tons of wonderful products that range from elementary to clip art!

Schoolhouse Diva - Here are some of my favorite resources!  I'm a math girl at heart, but I do change it up occasionally!

The deals keep getting bigger, so follow us to find out what's happening this week and to enter to win prizes!

Enter the giveaways here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check HERE tomorrow to hear about Wednesday's deal!

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