
Friday, February 27, 2015

Five for Friday (First Timer!)


  1. Well, congratulations on your first Five for Friday! I love this linky! We also had some snow days this week, 3 of them. I am going a little stir crazy, but not as much as my cats! I also worked on the quote section of my store! I am so excited about the possibilities of what to put in that space! Have a great weekend!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Thank you! I am excited to finally figure out what a linky is! :) Hope to participate with you guys much more in the future!

  2. Welcome to Five for Friday!! This is a fun link-up and a great way to find new blogs!! I also followed the tutorial about adding an image in your quote section on TpT! Yours looks great! Love how it just adds a little extra to the page! Hope you have a great weekend!


  3. Welcome to Five for Friday!! You are so brave to add those pictures. Everyone has said it's kind of tricky so I haven't been brave enough to try:) It's so weird that you guys are in the cold and snow. My brother and sister-in-law live in Fort Worth and we are in Seattle and our weather has been beautiful and sunny while yours has been cold and snowy! Usually it's the other way around!!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. In Seattle?! Wow! For the first time ever, I am jealous of your weather! Hehe! :)

      Adding a picture was a little tricky! I am like a cave woman when it comes to anything that begins with html. So, it took me a while. There is a free tutorial somewhere that broke it down to much easier steps. I'll find it and send it to you!
